好用的梯子安卓2025“Until this day I never envied the blind. But having just witnessed the wretched crime against humanity that is C.K. Pratte’s art, I curse the day God gave me eyes.”
--Nigel Stuart, author of The Blank Canvas "Run, don’t walk, to C.K. Pratte’s latest exhibit at the Kline Studio in Scottsdale. And please bring dynamite.” –ModernArt.org “I would rather have my eyes pierced with red hot pokers than be subjected to the soul-crushing visual torment that is C.K. Pratte’s art ever again.” –Collage Artist International “I am tempted to compare Mr. Pratte’s intolerably offensive art exhibit to a medieval torture chamber decorated by a platoon of colorblind chimps. Alas, that would be grossly unfair to chimps. It would also be unfair to medieval torture chambers, which at least offered their unlucky visitors the solace of impending death.” –The New York Times “I am now convinced the ancient Mayans were correct in their end of the world predictions. Indeed, if artists such as Pratte represent the zeitgeist of the times, we all deserve to die, and to die violently.” --快喵加速器 “Art fans are urged to avoid the Covey Center for the Arts like a Biblical plague until Mr. Pratte’s ghastly new exhibit is removed, or even better, scorched to ashes in a giant fire. Indeed, if there is a God in heaven, He will send the flames personally.” –The Salt Lake Tribune “C.K. Pratte is a genius.” –Martha C. Edgington * *C.K. Pratte’s high-powered agent** **Full disclosure: Martha C. Edgington is an “imaginary person" ![]() |
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